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Water Restrictions & Landscaping

June 21, 2015

We still remain under the City of Frisco water restrictions. Please hand water your shrubs and trees during the allowed hours to supplement the irrigation system. A reminder that owners are responsible for replacing dead shrubs/trees. If you are replacing shrubs in the beds by your sidewalk or in between the driveways, ACC approval will not be required if you replace the shrubs with ones that are on the approved list in the design guidelines.

We still remain under the City of Frisco water restrictions. Please hand water your shrubs and trees during the allowed hours to supplement the irrigation system. A reminder that owners are responsible for replacing dead shrubs/trees. If you are replacing shrubs in the beds by your sidewalk or in between the driveways, ACC approval will not be required if you replace the shrubs with ones that are on the approved list in the design guidelines.

Superior Landscapes is our landscape company to maintain our front yards, common areas, and irrigation system. They also offer backyard mowing and shrub replacement for a fee. Please contact Steve Wilschetz, SWilschetz@superiorlandscapes.biz for more information.

Townhomes at Tuscany Square Owners Association

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