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Tuscany Square Community Reminders

April 13, 2020

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this pandemic. I just wanted to send out a few friendly community reminders while we shelter at home. Click Full Story form more information.

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this pandemic. I just wanted to send out a few friendly community reminders while we shelter at home.

  • Please take a moment to evaluate your trees in your fenced in yard. As we go into storm season winds can sway tree branches and cause damage to your neighbor(s) roof or your own. Trees should be cut several feet back from roofs.
  • Please try to bag your trash in your trash container. When the trash truck picks up the containers, loose trash is falling/blowing out onto the streets and yards. If you see any loose trash around the neighborhood, pick it up and dispose of it properly. Please help keep Tuscany Square clean. Don’t forget trash containers must be stored out of the public view on non-trash collection days.
  • As some of you may be spending more time outside, please be aware of how loud your music level is set. The music can be disturbing to neighbors who are working or studying at home.
  • We certainly have more walkers as people are trying to get a little exercise and fresh air. If you are walking your dog, please remember your dog must be on a leash when outside of the home or fenced in yard (no matter how well behaved they may be). Also, owners are responsible for removal of all of their pets’ waste, whether it is on your own property or anywhere else in the community. Finally try to keep barking at a minimum.
  • Be sure to submit an architectural application if you are making any exterior modifications/changes to your home. Applications can be found on SBB’s web portal or the community website at www.tuscanysquaretownhomes.com. Failure to get written approval for exterior modifications/changes can result in costly expenses including having to re-instate the property back to its original condition.

Thank you for your kind cooperation!

Tuscany Square Townhomes

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